- SingleSingle
- Married Filing JointlyMarried Filing Jointly
- Married Filing Separate (each)Married Filing Separate (each)
- Head of HouseholdHead of Household
- Wages (W2)Wages (W2)
- Interest (1099-INT)Interest (1099-INT)
- Dividends (1099-DIV)Dividends (1099-DIV)
- Unemployment (1099-G)Unemployment (1099-G)
- Gambling Winnings (W2-G)Gambling Winnings (W2-G)
- Pensions/Annuities (1099-R)Pensions/Annuities (1099-R)
- IRA Distributions (1099-R)IRA Distributions (1099-R)
- Social Security (1099-SSA)Social Security (1099-SSA)
- HSA (Form 8889)HSA (Form 8889)
- Student Loan Interest (1098-E)Student Loan Interest (1098-E)
- Education Credits (1098-T)Education Credits (1098-T)
- Daycare Expenses (Form 2441)Daycare Expenses (Form 2441)
- Educator CreditEducator Credit
- IL Real Estate Tax credit - No ItemizationIL Real Estate Tax credit - No Itemization
- Itemized Deduction Schedule (A)Itemized Deduction Schedule (A)
- Self Employment Income (Schedule C) *Self Employment Income (Schedule C) *
- Capital Gain/Loss (Schedule D) *Capital Gain/Loss (Schedule D) *
- Supplental Income (Schedule E) *Supplental Income (Schedule E) *
- Farming Income (Schedule F)Farming Income (Schedule F)
- Amendment of original return prepared by Murph TaxAmendment of original return prepared by Murph Tax
- Amendment of original return prepared by OthersAmendment of original return prepared by Others
Simple Return
- Single
- Married Filing Jointly
- Married Filing Separate (each)
- Head of Household
- Wages (W2)
- Interest (1099-INT)
- Dividends (1099-DIV)
- Unemployment (1099-G)
- Gambling Winnings (W2-G)
- Pensions/Annuities (1099-R)
- IRA Distributions (1099-R)
- Social Security (1099-SSA)
- HSA (Form 8889)
- Student Loan Interest (1098-E)
- Education Credits (1098-T)
- Daycare Expenses (Form 2441)
- Educator Credit
- IL Real Estate Tax credit - No Itemization
- Itemized Deduction Schedule (A)
- Self Employment Income (Schedule C) *
- Capital Gain/Loss (Schedule D) *
- Supplental Income (Schedule E) *
- Farming Income (Schedule F)
- Amendment of original return prepared by Murph Tax
- Amendment of original return prepared by Others
Basic Return
- Single
- Married Filing Jointly
- Married Filing Separate (each)
- Head of Household
- Wages (W2)
- Interest (1099-INT)
- Dividends (1099-DIV)
- Unemployment (1099-G)
- Gambling Winnings (W2-G)
- Pensions/Annuities (1099-R)
- IRA Distributions (1099-R)
- Social Security (1099-SSA)
- HSA (Form 8889)
- Student Loan Interest (1098-E)
- Education Credits (1098-T)
- Daycare Expenses (Form 2441)
- Educator Credit
- IL Real Estate Tax credit - No Itemization
- Itemized Deduction Schedule (A)
- Self Employment Income (Schedule C) *
- Capital Gain/Loss (Schedule D) *
- Supplental Income (Schedule E) *
- Farming Income (Schedule F)
- Amendment of original return prepared by Murph Tax
- Amendment of original return prepared by Others
- Single
- Married Filing Jointly
- Married Filing Separate (each)
- Head of Household
- Wages (W2)
- Interest (1099-INT)
- Dividends (1099-DIV)
- Unemployment (1099-G)
- Gambling Winnings (W2-G)
- Pensions/Annuities (1099-R)
- IRA Distributions (1099-R)
- Social Security (1099-SSA)
- HSA (Form 8889)
- Student Loan Interest (1098-E)
- Education Credits (1098-T)
- Daycare Expenses (Form 2441)
- Educator Credit
- IL Real Estate Tax credit - No Itemization
- Itemized Deduction Schedule (A)
- Self Employment Income (Schedule C) *
+ $25 per
- Capital Gain/Loss (Schedule D) *
- Supplental Income (Schedule E) *
+ $25 per
- Farming Income (Schedule F)
+ $25 per
- Amendment of original return prepared by Murph Tax
- Amendment of original return prepared by Others
Complex Return
- Single
- Married Filing Jointly
- Married Filing Separate (each)
- Head of Household
- Wages (W2)
- Interest (1099-INT)
- Dividends (1099-DIV)
- Unemployment (1099-G)
- Gambling Winnings (W2-G)
- Pensions/Annuities (1099-R)
- IRA Distributions (1099-R)
- Social Security (1099-SSA)
- HSA (Form 8889)
- Student Loan Interest (1098-E)
- Education Credits (1098-T)
- Daycare Expenses (Form 2441)
- Educator Credit
- IL Real Estate Tax credit - No Itemization
- Itemized Deduction Schedule (A)
- Self Employment Income (Schedule C) *
+ $25 per
- Capital Gain/Loss (Schedule D) *
- Supplental Income (Schedule E) *
+ $25 per
- Farming Income (Schedule F)
+ $25 per
- Amendment of original return prepared by Murph Tax
- Amendment of original return prepared by Others
* Rate might be higher depending on record keeping
** 1040-SR price applies if tax payer and/or spouse is 65 or older, and not a Simple Return. Basically this is a Senior Citizen discount.
Dependent Discount – Murph Accounting & Tax Services LLC will prepare qualifying dependent returns for $25. To get this discounted price, the dependent must either be on the parents tax return or live at the same address.